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25 January 2022 Update

Updated: May 6, 2022

Update on fees, keeping kindy safe and visitors.

We are operating under the RED setting of the Covid Protection Framework. All services are open with additional public health measures in place.

Kia ora, and thank you to those who have been patiently waiting for this information – things are changing fast, and it can take some time for details to filter down to us, and for us to finalise what it means for Kidsfirst and whānau.

We appreciate that some whānau may be working from home and may not require our support or may choose to avoid taking their tamariki to kindergarten at this first stage of the government's three stage response. Every whānau has different needs, and we fully support you in whatever you decide for yours.

Here's the situation as of now – we'll provide updates here as things change, so if you are not already subscribed, please do so – there's a box at the bottom of each page on this website, or get in touch through the contact page. Things are changing rapidly, and will continue to, as we move through the three stages of the Red setting that underpin the government response.


Fees will not be charged for your regular days/hours if you choose to keep your child at home during this first stage at Red. There will be some paperwork for you to fill out to retain your child's place at kindergarten if your child doesn't attend over this period of time. Your teaching team will talk with you about what you need to do once they have this information available, as we are awaiting clarification from Ministry of Education.


Health and safety of tamariki, whānau, and our kaiako is our number one priority. Additional measures are in place in all of our kindergartens and at our Head Office to keep us all as well as possible.

There are some requirements for whānau and caregivers who come to the kindergarten, and you can learn more about these here. Masks are required to be worn by all visitors (including parents/whānau/caregivers) and we will have more clarification about mask exemptions soon.

Our kaiako are receiving the booster shots along with the rest of Aotearoa as they hit the four month mark. Boosters are now mandatory for all education workers under the Public Health (Vaccinations) Order Amendment 2022.


It's important to us that disruption to this important stage of their educational journey is minimised for tamariki, so we want to do all we can to accommodate new children. If you are thinking of enrolling your child, you and your child can still visit the kindergarten. You will need to be wearing a mask and to socially distance. If you intend to stay longer than twenty minutes you will need to be able to provide proof that you are fully vaccinated. You'll also be asked to scan in and sign a Visitors Register.

Our Open Day and Stay and Play events are suspended for now.


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